ERA - Request Username/Password

If you are a member of the Electrical Rebuilder's Association and need a username and password to access this site please carefully read the following.

To be able to log-in you must create a username. Usernames must be between 7 and 16 characters. They can contain only numbers and letters - no spaces or special characters. Usernames are case sensitive. Here are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable usernames.

Acceptable Unacceptable
johndoe john doe
JohnDoe John Doe
dollarbill $bill

Please create 2 different usernames for yourself. If your first choice is already taken, we will use your second choice.

Clicking the Request Username/Password button below will display an email form. Fill out the required information and click send. You will be sent an email with instructions how to activate your new account.

Your ERA web team